
Robbie Sloans Boat
My partner's father's 24ft timber boat which has recently been written off. Currently the boat is going to be destroyed by the insurance company unless someone wants to take on the boat and restore her to her former glory. Robbie Sloan, life member of the Swan Yacht Club and the oldest member of the Swan yacht club who still has a boat, launched this vessel in 1965 after building it in his backyard at Myaree with his brother over a period of time.
Given Robbie is now 84 the boat has become a little too much for him to handle and he would rather see it go to someone who will keep her on the water. Robbie has been a very active member of the Swan Yacht Club and was also one of the first people to be issued with a mooring in Stark Bay - Rottnest Island. Robbies boat also usually leads the fleet at the Annual Swan Yacht Club sail past when the season is declared open attached. Currently the boat is in its Pen on Jetty 1 at the Swan Yacht Club. Recently due to water coming in where the transom meets the Port side the boat took on some water and the engine went under hence insurance getting involved. Given the boats age and the amount it was insured for, it became an instant write off.
We have a few weeks before we notify the insurance company if we want them to take it away, so if your organisation has any interest in restoring this boat please let me know.
Brian Piggott 0000 000 000 - ADD 4/2023

The boat was built in 1926 in East Fremantle by Goule Brothers for the Merindino family. 30f x 8ft 1/2in x 2ft 1/2in
Gaff rig
The hull is NZ kari with jarrah keel and ribs.
The centre board case needs work, last replaced 1997. Our family purchased the boat in 1993 from the Grandsons of the original owner.
We had Bill Lenard replace the top plank up and the centre board case in 1997, Bill has published line drawings for the Museum.
The boat is currently on the hard at North Port Boatlifters
John Williams 0419 921 839 - ADD 5/2022

Princess Royal
Ever wanted to restore a classic timber boat but never had the room to work on it? Have we got the answer for you. ABBA member Mick O Shea rescued the former pilot boat Princess Royal and took it to his property at Henley Brook, 22 km NE of the City. See pictures attached. Mick had every intention of restoring her to her former glory, but ill health has prevented him. Mick has very generously made the offer that anyone who is serious about taking over this project can do the work at his property where the boat is currently sitting. See pictures attached. Please direct any enquiries to Mick on 0418 922 017. - ADD 4/2022

Redwitch for sale. The owners were KEEN to sell and they have dropped the price to only $1,200. The motor, GPS, radio and other inclusions are probably worth more than this so you are getting a boat and trailer for free. If you or anyone you know might be interested, contact Ginny direct at ginnykenworthy@gmail.com or phone 0416 487 532. - ADD 4/2022


Clothing (excluding ABBA Logos)

Style 1300 – Aussie Pacific Mens Murray Polo, Navy/White/Ashe or White/Navy/Ashe – $20.00 + GST each

Weblink: http://www.aussiepacific.com.au/the-murray-polo-navy-white-s?color=Navy%2FWhite%2FAshe&primary_color=Navy&secondary_color=White

Style 1304 – Aussie Pacific Mens Eureka Polo, Navy/White/Ashe or White/Navy/Ashe – $21.00 + GST each

Weblink: http://www.aussiepacific.com.au/mens/polos/eureka-polo-sky-navy-s?color=Sky%2FNavy%2FAshe& primary_color=Sky&secondary_color=Navy

Hats/Caps (excluding Logos)

Style 4199 – Headwear Brushed Heavy Cotton Cap, White/Navy (many other colours available
too) – $6.50 + GST each

Weblink: http://au.headwear.com.au/productDetails.cfm?&prodID=53&prodCatID=2&pageNumber=1

(Also refer poly/cotton legionnaires hats Styles 4057 or 4126 for maximum sun protection under
website sub heading ‘Hats, Visor & Beanies’ http://au.headwear.com.au/productList.cfm?&pCategoryID=7 )

Style 4199 – Headwear Brushed Heavy Cotton Cap, White/Navy (many other colours available too) – $6.50 + GST each (includes poly/cotton legionnaires hats for maximum sun protection under website sub heading ‘Hats, Visor & Beanies’)

Style 4223 – Brushed Sports Twill Bucket Hat, White/Navy (many other colours available too) – $8.00 + GST each


To make your annual membership even more value for money, ABBA will pay for up to 2 logos per financial year to be applied to your items of clothing. The current cost to ABBA is $7.15 per logo. There is no intention for this to be an ABBA uniform so the choice of style and colour is totally yours. If you are seen wearing the logo while building, working on or using your boat or anywhere for that matter it might get people asking questions and wanting to join our association. You are free to deal direct with Image Embroidery but please ensure you get an itemised invoice showing a separate price for the logo and present this to Bruce Cadee for reimbursement. Bruce Cadee is happy to take orders and liaise with Image Embroidery if you so wish.

Thanks to Bruce for making these arrangements. The summer is just around the corner, so members are encouraged to get their orders in for shirts and/or hats with the ABBA logo as soon as possible – either directly with Image Embroidery or by contacting Bruce.


PH - 0419 508 785
©2022 Amateur Boat Building Association